[Islamic State] [Japanese hostage] Abe administration and ...

The situation in Afghanistan can not see the future

[Islamic State] [Japanese hostage] Abe administration and ... The situation in Afghanistan can not see the future In Afghanistan, the military of the international community in the past year, economic, despite the social tremendous support, security remains worse. Most recently, the peace negotiations of the United States and the Taliban are frustrated, possible to continue the fight between the Taliban and the Afghan government have become high. If the original, be required for peace and stability in Afghanistan will become clear that the life and the life of residents is protected, it is to become residents to support it cooperation. At least, Obama American administration and NATO policy of 00 years had clearly come up with it, in the current playing cards administration seems there is no such idea. Taking this opportunity, I want to consider the correspondence of the future and the international community in Afghanistan. The situation in Afghanistan can not see the future Deterioration of Afghanistan's security situation Month, Afghanistan capital Kabul wedding hall in a terrorist attack occurs's dead and people of the injured were out.